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the crypto geniuses who vaporized a trillion dollars


Cryptocurrency has been an ever-evolving space that has seen both immense growth and devastating losses. As more investors pour into the market and new coins are launched, there is always the risk of unpredictable outcomes. In 2021, the crypto market witnessed a massive decline that resulted in the vaporization of over a trillion dollars in market value. The cause of this decline can be attributed to several factors, including regulatory crackdowns, market corrections, and the actions of a few so-called “crypto geniuses.” In this article, we will explore the story of the crypto geniuses who vaporized a trillion dollars and the events that led up to this catastrophic event.

The crypto geniuses who vaporized a trillion dollars. Everyone trusted the two guys at Three Arrows Capital. They knew what they were doing — right? –

Who were the crypto geniuses?

The crypto geniuses, in this case, are the developers behind the Iron Finance protocol. The Iron Finance protocol was a decentralized finance (DeFi) project that launched its native token, TITAN, on the Binance Smart Chain. The protocol was designed to offer a stablecoin (USDT) paired with a volatile token (TITAN), which would help maintain price stability. The protocol’s developers were a team of anonymous programmers who were only known by their pseudonyms, including Daniel Que, Iron Finance’s lead developer.

What happened with the Iron Finance protocol?

The Iron Finance protocol was initially well-received by the crypto community and investors, with the TITAN token soaring to a market capitalization of over $2 billion. However, the project’s value crashed within 24 hours after the developers behind the project experienced what is known as a “bank run.” This situation occurs when investors try to withdraw their funds from a financial institution all at once, leading to a liquidity crisis.

In the case of Iron Finance, the bank run happened due to the token’s price plummeting to zero, triggering a mass sell-off. The developers behind the project had created a system of smart contracts that allowed investors to exchange TITAN for another token called IRON, which was designed to be pegged to the US dollar. However, due to a bug in the smart contract, the IRON token became over-issued, leading to the collapse of the entire system.

The sudden collapse of TITAN and the Iron Finance protocol resulted in the loss of over $1 trillion in market value across the crypto market. This event sent shockwaves through the entire crypto industry, with many investors questioning the safety and reliability of DeFi projects.

Lessons learned from the Iron Finance collapse

The collapse of the Iron Finance protocol highlighted several key lessons that investors and developers in the crypto industry must take into account. First, anonymous developers should not be trusted blindly, as their intentions and motives may not always align with those of investors. Second, smart contract technology still needs to be refined and tested rigorously to avoid bugs and loopholes. Third, the crypto market is still highly volatile and prone to sudden and dramatic price swings, making it essential for investors to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before investing in any project.

Su Zhu is a well-known figure in the world of cryptocurrency, who has made significant contributions to the industry as an investor and entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of Three Arrows Capital, one of the largest cryptocurrency trading firms in the world.

Three Arrows Capital is a Singapore-based investment fund that specializes in cryptocurrency trading and investment management. It was founded by Su Zhu and his business partner, Kyle Davies, in 2012. The company is known for its active trading strategy, which involves buying and selling large amounts of cryptocurrency on a daily basis.

Zhu Su’s achievements in the cryptocurrency industry have made him a prominent figure in the community. He is widely regarded as a crypto genius, having made a fortune through his investments in digital assets. Su Zhu has been actively involved in the cryptocurrency space since 2013, and he has made a name for himself as a successful trader and investor.

In addition to his work at Three Arrows Capital, Su Zhu is also a prolific writer and speaker on topics related to cryptocurrency and finance. He has been featured in numerous media outlets, including Bloomberg, CNBC, and The Wall Street Journal.

In recent years, Three Arrows Capital has faced some challenges, including significant losses during the market downturn in 2018. However, the firm has continued to be a major player in the cryptocurrency space, and has reportedly generated significant returns for its investors.

Su Zhu’s net worth is not publicly known, but he is believed to be one of the wealthiest individuals in the cryptocurrency industry. His exact age and personal background are also not widely publicized, although he is believed to be in his 30s.

Kyle Davies is the co-founder of Three Arrows Capital and is known for his expertise in the areas of finance and technology. Prior to starting Three Arrows Capital, he worked as a trader at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. Davies is also married to a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency industry, Annie-Claude Banville, who is known for her work as a writer and researcher on digital assets.

Su Zhu and Three Arrows Capital are among the most influential and successful players in the cryptocurrency industry. While the firm has faced some challenges over the years, its leaders are widely respected for their knowledge and expertise in the field, and are likely to continue making important contributions to the world of digital assets in the years to come.

Who is Su Zhu in the world of crypto?

Su Zhu is a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency industry. He is the founder and CEO of Three Arrows Capital, which is one of the biggest cryptocurrency trading firms in the world.

Who are the founders of Three Arrows Capital?

The founders of Three Arrows Capital are Su Zhu and Kyle Davies. Both are well-known names in the cryptocurrency industry.

What did Su Zhu do to vaporize a trillion dollars?

The article “The Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a Trillion Dollars” is referring to the sudden drop in cryptocurrency prices in May 2021. This was not caused by Su Zhu or Three Arrows Capital. The article describes how the cryptocurrency market is volatile and unpredictable, and how prices can fluctuate rapidly.

What happened with Three Arrows Capital?

Three Arrows Capital is still active in the cryptocurrency trading market. The company has a significant presence in the industry and continues to be involved in various trading activities.

What is Su Zhu’s net worth?

Su Zhu’s net worth is not publicly available, but he is believed to be a millionaire due to his success in the cryptocurrency industry.

What is Three Arrows Capital?

Three Arrows Capital is a cryptocurrency trading firm that operates globally. It was founded by Su Zhu and Kyle Davies and has become one of the biggest players in the industry.

Who is Kyle Davies?

Kyle Davies is the co-founder of Three Arrows Capital, along with Su Zhu. He is also a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency industry.

What is Su Zhu’s age?

Su Zhu’s age is not publicly available.


The crypto geniuses behind the Iron Finance protocol may have had good intentions, but their actions resulted in one of the largest losses in the crypto market’s history. The collapse of the protocol highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in the crypto industry and the importance of testing smart contract technology rigorously. It also underscored the importance of caution and due diligence when investing in the highly volatile crypto market. While the events of the Iron Finance collapse may have been devastating, they serve as an important reminder to investors and developers alike to continue learning and improving the crypto industry for the better.


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